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Our family

Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm reading a book called Catching Fireflies by Patsy Clairmont.  It's very simple, but she is so funny!  (I have heard her speak once too and she's even better in person)  Anyways, each chapter is a short little thing about some type of light.  Today was all about lighthouses.  I have seen a lighthouse.  A few years back we went to visit family out in California and they drove us up the coast to a lighthouse.  There were about a million steps to get down to it and we had to race because it was closing soon!  I just remember those stairs being exhausting with all the wind blowing in from the coast.  We did make it and were able to see the lighthouse.  It's pretty cool that one small building (small in comparison with the entire coastline) can shine a light so bright that ships can see exactly where to go.  Lighthouses are built to keep ships safe, at night the coastline can be so hard to see.  The ships need the lighthouses so that they know exactly where to go in the darkness. 
In this chapter of Patsy's book she talked about how different people in her life have been a 'lighthouse' to her during dark times.  We all need 'lighthouses', those people that come beside you during hard times to encourage and pray for you.  The people that you can look to for Godly wisdom and advice.  The people that will just sit with you and listen because you need someone to talk to.  It was also a great reminder that we ourselves are sometimes called to be lighthouses for others.  What a huge responsibility!  You might not think so, but think about the trust someone puts in you to share their secrets- to share their darkest times.  It takes a lot of courage to share with people your dark times, but what a relief to know that someone is there... waiting along your dark coast... just for you.... just so that you can find your way out!  I definitely believe God puts people in our lives to be lighthouses for us... to guide us back to Him and the safety of the shore.  I also believe we need to be careful when people rely on us to be their lighthouse for a time...  we need to make sure to be completely worthy of that trust and we need to be walking with Christ (the ultimate lighthouse) in order to help others out of their hard times...but what a huge blessing to be there for someone else and for someone to be there for you! 
Just something that really made me think today :)  I would love one day to travel up the East Coast and see all of their lighthouses-- especially some that still shine today!

2008 CA Lighthouse

Told you they were hard to climb!

Look at the small building and the entire stretch of water beyond! 

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