Our family

Our family

Friday, August 5, 2011

C'est la vie! (It is life)

Ok.. last two questions that I get all the time:  What do you do? How is Matt?

Well... I am definitely not as busy as I used to be and that has been a HUGE adjustment.  However, I'm trying to enjoy the downtime before Caylee comes and learn to just relax.  (That's harder than you'd think!)

So... I do random things... make sure the house is clean, laundry, cook meals (this is a first!), run errands, read (a lot of reading), explore town (I can't get used to all the UK stuff around here... definitely feeling out of place and need some Aggie gear!) and stuff like that.  Yes, it's pretty boring and uneventful, but sometimes it's a nice change from working since I now have time to do all this without getting flustered.  Oh.. and you can't forget yoga... yep, yoga.  Once a week there is a yoga class for pregnant ladies.  I went hoping to make some friends, but that hasn't quite worked out.  The class is a little weird (it's yoga!), but the stretching feels good and it's a nice break from the regular daily events. 

Matt... he's good.  The first month was rough, it's that learning curve for everyone.  The other vets are learning about him and he's learning about them.  This is their "down" season, but they've still remained fairly busy for the most part.  As they give Matt more leeway he enjoys his work more.  If we're both completely honest we still miss Texas and wish we were there, but we're here and trying to make the most of it.  He is learning a LOT more than he ever thought he wanted to about thoroughbred horses and the way these farms work.  It can be intense and frustrating at times, but what job isn't?  He does enjoy working out of his truck!  I personally think it's gross.... you get in and it smells like pills and powders and everything you'd imagine a pharmacy to smell like, but crammed into a smaller space!  I guess he's used to it now and it's convenient for him to have all the drugs with him as he travels from farm to farm.  If I'm honest it also makes me a little nervous... he has SO much with him and I'm always afraid someone will try to steal stuff (plus this stuff is not cheap!), but I guess that's what locked doors are for... and it's not like he ever travels to a "ghetto" or anything... these farms are top dollar, GORGEOUS farms! 

So... that's our life...  pretty uneventful at the moment, but just 3 more months and that will all change!  I'm definitely ready for these months to fly by...

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