Our family

Our family

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tiny Tot!

That's Caylee... a tiny tot... she's been in a gym class at the Y and the class is called Tiny Tot Gymnastics.  It's for 18 mo-3yr and we JUST hit her 18th month so we joined the class.  Luckily, all the kids in this class are also under 2, so it's been nice for her to be at the same level as the other kids.  It's been SO fun for her and myself.  I have to go with her, so it's a great time to begin teaching her how to listen to the teacher and take turns with the other kids.  Unfortunately, not all the other parents feel the same and they let their little ones run around like hooligans!  It's SO frustrating, especially for Caylee because she doesn't understand why I'm making her sit and wait when the other kids are climbing and jumping.  I want to tell those parents just to take their kids to a park, that's where they can run free! 

Anyways, enough of that.  When we started a few weeks ago, Caylee was very hesitant... she has never been much of a climber, so climbing on all the big mats, learning to hang on the bar and rolling has been a challenge for her.  She's been doing GREAT though and I've seen TONS of improvement in her climbing and balancing abilities.  She is even able to swing on the bar herself now, which I never thought would happen.  I'm debating about signing her up for the class again or to try swimming next.. or maybe both :)  We'll see. 

While we are in class, Micah is in their nursery-- they love him and he's been very sweet for them.  I'm thankful they are so nice and remember us each week!

 She does love the bar! 
 He is such a good sharer and his mom makes him participate! I like them :)
 Ms. Stephanie does floor stretches at the beginning and the end... usually Caylee and the little boy are the only 2 participating... again, because parents don't make their kids follow her instruction. (And trust me, it's not always easy to get Caylee to participate when she sees something else, we have had our battles, but what better time to start learning to follow rules!?!)
 The slide is the favorite, and always in the rotation, but I limit her time on it.  I make her follow the entire circuit so that she gets a feel for everything else too.  Another frustration... some kids only stay at one station and their parents never encourage them to try something else.  Again, so thankful Caylee is willing to try things!

 Rolling is still tough... she kinda scoots down the mat :)  But she does try, and that gets HUGE points!
 The parachute at the end is fun... she typically likes to be under the parachute :)

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