Our family

Our family

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

St Louis Randomness

This trip to St. Louis we really didn't have much down time at all.  The time we did have was spent napping or playing...

Sleep: First of all, it's different traveling with one who can sleep in a big bed.  We were given the basement.  It was really nice with a private bedroom, living room and bathroom.  They even put a mattress on the floor for Caylee!  However, it was a new place and she was NOT going to stay in that room by herself.  It really wasn't worth the crying to me (because I wanted Micah to stay asleep and her not to wake him-- he was in the pack n play in the living room).  So... Caylee stayed up extra late each night (9pm, but 10pm on our time).  Yes, I went to bed early with her and left everyone upstairs... but I knew I'd have to get up throughout the night with Micah anyways and I was super tired, so I enjoyed going to bed early!!

Overall, both kids did great sleeping.  Micah did really well in the pack n play and Caylee did well sleeping with me... she is a bed hog though!  I did enjoy her snuggling though, she was clingy anyways and nights were nice when she'd snuggle up with me.  She never woke up when I had to feed Micah, so that was nice. 

Secondly,  it's bad to travel with one who can change schedules fairly easy and one who can't.  Caylee would have slept in most days and switched over to our new schedule (she was so tired!).  However, Micah stayed on his old routine and DID NOT make the transition.  That meant every morning we were up by 5:45am (6:45 our time).... this just made for LOOOONG days.  I know it's just because he's little and doesn't know... I went through the same thing traveling with Caylee in her younger days :)

Play:  Caylee is a funny girl.  It may be just the age she's at and maybe most kids go through this, I'm not sure, but she has become SUPER picky about playing and who she plays with.  For the most part, she was at my side all weekend long.  Then there were a few times when she wanted nothing to do with me and would only play with my mom or Cass.  I was getting frustrated that she was acting this way, but I also had to realize that she's still little and she was very tired.  For our long days she did really well at Cassidy's dress fitting, eating off schedule, and even at the showers.  She loved Whiskey (Cassidy's dog), but he wasn't as fond of her... once he realized we weren't going anywhere he became a little jealous and we had to watch her closely.  She is so used to her dogs, so it was a good lesson to be careful around other dogs. 

Micah did well on the floor, but really he just liked being held or in his bouncy seat.  He's a needy baby!!  He'll cry when people leave the room too.  Everyone was worried that he spits up too much (as they were getting drenched by him on a regular basis), but we talked to ANOTHER pediatrician and he assured me all was fine since Micah is sleeping and gaining weight well. 

I'll get to the showers in another post, but here are pics of our downtime. 

I was giving Micah a bath to show her that it was ok (apparently, Caylee doesn't like "normal" bathtubs!).  She got in (pj's and all!) and began to help me and then wash herself off.  Silly girl :)

Snuggling with me after a day full of festivities :)

Caylee had more cake this weekend than I have EVER let her... it could have caused some of our meltdowns too, but she sure did enjoy it.  This was my birthday cake (they celebrated late for me!)

Her own pair of sunglasses :) She loves them! My mom bought them in purple too!!
 Had to make a Walmart run for some toys

I went to set up for the shower and Mom and Cass were supposed to take the kids to the zoo.  However, it was raining so they found an indoor playground instead! How awesome!! That is the best thing about cities... there is ALWAYS something to do!
My buddy! 
 Goofing off... you can tell it's been a rough day bc Caylee has her pacifier (which I don't normally give during the day).
 Tried to get a pic with both kids, but she was too interested in Whiskey. 

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