Our family

Our family

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shower #2

Sunday, May 19th was the 2nd shower! This one was hosted by some very dear friend's of Cassidy's... the Barth's.  They made her part of their family when she moved out to St. Louis and were so sweet to throw this shower for her!  It was a little smaller and less crazy, but she was still blessed with tons of great gifts!!  They had a fantastic cake too :) Here are some pics...

 We had to decorate "brides"... Cass chose the middle as the winner! They did a great job on her bows :)

 The cake matched the invitation perfectly! So cute!
 Caylee was less than happy to take a pic and Micah was finally happy in his car seat. 

 They were excited to show the kids their fish out back.  They have a GORGEOUS backyard full of fish, a huge pool and tons of beautiful flowers!
 Sorry mom, wish you were looking, but this was the only one she got!
From Amy's Camera... lots of Caylee :)
 She was MUCH more relaxed at this shower.... :)

 She LOVED the cake... and ice cream... It really was fantastic cake!

 Tried to get more cake...everyone had already devoured theirs :)
 Yes... this is lingerie.. she thought she looked so pretty :) She was cracking us up!

 Cass had to decide who had the best wedding dress made from toilet paper.... this sweet lady won, but everyone did a pretty good job!


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