Our family

Our family

Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby Jesus

Yesterday, was Christmas Day and it happened to fall on a Sunday this year.  Our church had one joint service at 10:30am.  It was pretty neat how they did it to...

There was no nursery care, no children's church and no sunday school.  This meant that families worshipped together.  They did this yesterday and will do it again this coming Sunday for January 1st.  They understood that kids can't sit through a service very quietly, but they still wanted families to be together for this holiday season.  I really enjoyed this!  Also, instead of a typical service yesterday, they had members of their staff stand up and give their testimony.  This was really neat too.  So many people go to church on Christmas and hear the same story over and over, but they never really connect the dots.... they never really make the connection that Jesus the Baby is also Jesus the Savior of everyone... hearing testimonies helps make the connection.  They had several baptisms as well- which was exciting!

My Sunday School teacher and her family were asked to light the last Advent candle yesterday.  She was going to do a small monologue about the baby Jesus as well and wanted to hold a baby to make her point a little stronger.  She asked Caylee to take on the role as Jesus!  We had not yet brought Caylee to church, so yesterday was her first day and she got to be in front of all the people!  She did scream... and though the whole thing lasted maybe 2 minutes at most, 2 minutes of crying seems like an eternity :)  Oh well.. she did great and it definitely left no question as to whether she was real or a doll :) 

Here are some pics... but it was so far away that you can't tell...

Here is a pic beforehand with Caylee wrapped in her swaddling clothes

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