Our family

Our family

Friday, October 26, 2012

12 Months!

Caylee was 12 months yesterday, but today was her doctor appoint.  4 shots and a toe prick later we were finally out of the office.  Poor thing, those shots are rough!  However, she is growing great! She's in the 75% for height, 50% for weight and has a large head... haha, at least it's a super cute head covered with pretty hair!

This month she has been doing really well with words.  Still a lot of the same as last month (dog, milk, more etc), but they are a little clearer.  She also started walking completely on her own without help, although she loves her new shopping cart and uses it to pick up everything in the house.  (remote controls being a favorite right now)

I have started spoon training with her... that makes quite the mess in the mornings with her cereal, but she is pretty good at getting the spoon to her mouth.  She still wants me to put the stuff on the spoon and will hand it to me and say "more".  We're working on it! 

She's getting new teeth... always a pain, for her and us, ... that means the past week has been full of fitful nights.  Two on the bottom are coming in for sure and the dr said it looked like 2 more on the top were going to follow soon... that means many more restless nights ahead!  Can't wait til her mouth is full of teeth!

She has begun to like stuffed animals, particularly a bunny that was given to her early on and a doll I recently gave her.  She carries them with her everywhere and gives hugs and kisses- very cute!  We even tried letting her sleep with her bunny tonight... we'll see if that's a mistake or not, but she had been holding onto it all day, and after a hard day of shots who can blame us?!

She started playing peek-a-boo too!  Normally, we would initiate the game and she'd laugh and play along, but now she will initiate it-- so funny bc she never completely covers her eyes.  It's great to see her initiate some playtimes...

Caylee has started pointing to things, mostly the dogs (letting us know where they are), but other things she wants too.  That is getting to be helpful...

She's a great eater!  Loves peas, cooked carrots and TONS of fruit.  She'll eat some meat (still hot dogs, lunch turkey, but sometimes some ground meat in a meatloaf or lasagna).  She's picky on her carbs... no goldfish for this one, but she will eat Cheese-It's... weird, I know.  Some crackers she loves, some she doesn't really enjoy (Ritz- again, weird).  She's drinking from a cup very well- except will NOT take milk from a cup.  We're working on that too....

Other than that, she's growing great, super healthy and we're VERY thankful for such a healthy, beautiful girl! 

Here are some pics from the month that I have not used yet....

Making beds for Grandma and Aunt Cassidy to come in... that is her bunny she has begun to love.
 Big girl carseat! Matt was SO excited that she could face forward... I was a little unprepared for cold that day (thus the blanket), but she LOVES seeing forward and it's a TON easier for me!
 Better prepared for winter!  Look at all those colors I mixed that day! Oh my!
 First steps in the grass alone (it was the first nice day, she had been walking for a few days, but her indoor steps I got on video)-- the grass and our rock driveway is a little tricky, but she's getting good!
 Playing in the dead flower bed-- I hate gardening- but she loves dirt!
 Birthday snack at Panera!  Blueberry bagel :)
 Exhausted and fussy after shots today... I know, I look tired too... it's been a few nights of waking up every few hours to check the monitor when she cries (we try not to go into the room if she can soothe herself, otherwise it just wakes her up and she wants to play)...

Happy 12 month Caylee Ann! We're thankful for you and love you!

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