Our family

Our family

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week Recap and Food progress

Since last Monday, we've put Micah on a higher dose of meds and tried to introduce baby foods again.  He's had carrots and bananas so far.  He's so funny!  He eats about half the jar, then starts making these awful faces, like he's decided not to like it anymore.  However, he must still be hungry because he keeps eating and finishes the jar.  We've had 1 rough night, but 4 good nights.... that's great! I think the meds are helping, at least for now.  I'll keep introducing new foods and keep track of what he does the best on.  It's so hard to tell sometimes!!!  He's also due to get his bottom teeth anytime now, so I know that could always be the cause of a rough day/night.... babies are so tricky when they can't tell you the problem!

The days have been nice this week, but we've spent a good deal inside as well.  There were a few mornings that were too cold (38 this morning!).  There were also a few gray skies and I felt like keeping the kids in to be lazy... it's allowed sometimes.  Micah was loving the tunnel we pulled out.  He had fun chasing Caylee through it and just hanging out inside by himself too! 

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