Our family

Our family

Sunday, September 23, 2012

NO...and other weekend events

Matt was off this weekend... YEA!... so he got to experience swim lessons with Caylee.  I went, but sat out.  I actually had to sit outside the room the pool is in so Caylee couldn't see me.  When she saw me she wanted out, I figure that is pretty normal though.  I kept peeking in and she wasn't always thrilled.  She liked chasing after toys and showing people whatever toy she picked up, she liked sitting on the wall, but not having Matt "jump" her back in, and she wasn't a fan of the songs.  Basically, I think she wanted to do what she wanted, and not what the class was doing.  It's ok, the teacher doesn't mind at that age and she ended up doing ok with Matt, still a little fussy...

Before class... checking out the other swimmers (she liked this!)

 Finally, a happy shot! (dark bc I was outside the window), but she was proud of the toy she had just picked up. 
Lately, Caylee has been learning more and more... it's really amazing all that she can imitate!  She is also very good at telling me she wants "meh" (milk) and "moh" (monkey).  Everytime she sees the dogs she says "dag".  She can repeat lots of what I do with toys, show me her tongue and her head.  With all this learning comes a little discipline too... sometimes she gets into things that she shouldn't.  We have started using the word "no" to keep her from these things.  At first, we'd say "no" and have to remove her from whatever it was.  Now, we can say it and she knows right away... although she's not happy about it.  The faces she makes when we say no are so funny/pathetic/cute we can't help but laugh just a little.  She sticks out her lip first and then the tears start.  They don't last long, especially when we can show her something she can do, (which I try to do first anyways, but sometimes that doesn't work). 
The raised eyebrows is the first sign that she didn't like that we said "no"
 Then the lip and face go ....
 Then the crying...
 But immediately happy again bc we found something she could have.... see, the tears are so short-lived, but I can see how parents might want to give in bc it looks like it could last a while... luckily, we don't give in and we show her other things that she can do bc when she can instantly be happy again it really wasn't a huge deal to her!! :)

Finally, Caylee is great at entertaining herself.  It's so funny to see the ways she entertains too... Lately, it's been climbing through the coffee table.  I don't mind that she does this, but I do tell her to be careful of her head (probably why she knows what her head is now!!).

She will go back and forth for a good 20 minutes sometimes... it's quite a challenge, but she's getting very good at it!
 Sometimes, she drops her monkey or a toy between the crack and spends another 10 minutes getting it out and putting it in... so fun to watch the little things that amuse them! 

**Sidenote: Her monkey is her pacifier and I don't like to give it to her much throughout the day.  She gets it for nap, bedtime, in the car and usually asks for it when she starts to get tired or I'm making dinner (guess I am not paying enough attention then!), but she really doesn't have it all that often.  When she does it's not always in her mouth either, which is one reason I LOVE these types, it becomes a toy to her and she'll carry it around like a toy.

She's at such a fun age, but also getting to the age where she is testing us more and more.  She's so young, but quickly figures things out- which amazes me!  I'm glad Matt can see some of this stuff on the weekends... it's great for us to experience this together!

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