Ok... the next most common questions I get all have to do with baby stuff. So, I'll start with a few here and go from there.
1. Have you found a Dr?
YES! I decided to call ahead to some Dr offices before moving up here. At that point, I was 16 weeks along. All I knew was that the wives of the Dr's that work with Matt all said I had to deliver at Central Baptist Hospital (beyond that they did not give any other advice). So I began there... After being transferred to 4 different Dr's I finally found a Dr. who would take me on as a patient! Since I wouldn't be moving to Kentucky until the 21st week, the first 3 offices I called wouldn't accept me.. Crazy! Who do they think is going to deliver this baby?!? And DON'T say "Matt bc he's a vet"... he may be a Dr, but I am
not a horse :) So far I have met with Dr. Blake Bradley 2 times... both times he's been very nice and I've had great appointments. We're now at week 26, so I hope the next few months pass by quickly :)
2. Do you have pictures?
Of Me... NO! Sorry folks, I'm not into the whole "show your belly to the whole world" thing. However, if you keep checking the blog I will have pictures next week from my sister's upcoming visit. You might be able to catch a "baby belly" in those pictures....
Of Caylee... YES! Here is the most recent... from 21 weeks...
I am not sure if the Dr. will do another ultrasound, but luckily I
DID marry a vet! And yes, he works out of his truck (it's like a moving pharmacy, seriously!), and he has access to a portable ultrasound machine... and
YES, we have used it :) It's pretty cool actually because he has not been able, nor will he be able to go to many appointments, so it's cool for him to be able to see things "live" for himself instead of me always showing him pictures. Don't worry, we've only used it once... and we won't use it too many times, but I do see another one coming in the next couple weeks-- it makes me feel better too. I just don't have pictures of those because he can't print off the pictures... I guess horse people aren't as big on posting these pictures on their fridge as I am. :)
**Sidenote: I HATE going alone to the Dr's office and really miss my friend who always went with me :*(
3. What's in a name?
*This is a preview of her nursery colors... more on that in another post*Why would you pick the name Caylee with that particular spelling given the events over the past few months? (Casey Anthony trial)
Ok... so I haven't actually received this question, but I am kinda imagining it's on a few minds... so if that's the case here's the answer.
Matt and I easily came up with a boy's name (Maddox Don). "Maddox" bc every boy in his family has an "M" name and "Don" after my grandpa. We were so expecting a boy, mostly because finding a name was so easy, so of course, that meant God was giving us a boy. Just in case, we started discussing girl names too....A girl on the other hand was MUCH harder! We couldn't agree on anything except the middle name... "Ann". Ann is my grandma's middle name and I loved it! It's short and sweet, very feminine and will always remind me of my grandma. The first name we just couldn't agree on anything... everything I LOVED (Layla especially.. still hoping if we have a 2nd girl he'll come around to that one) he hated. Everything he liked, I hated. Finally, he said "Caylee"... putting it together with Ann sounded pretty good! He didn't want some crazy spelling that he'd mess up so I picked the easiest one I could find. I also happen to really like the curvy letters and that is why I chose a "C" over a "K". So, once we agreed, we stopped looking. That all happened much before the trial became front and center on every news station and we decided to keep the name. Matt's not one for caring much what other people think anyways, so in his mind we had already settled on a name that we could finally agree on and we were done. I'm thrilled! We have a few monogrammed things and they look great.... we can't wait to meet Caylee Ann (oh..and yes, her intials will spell CAP).. kinda cool too :)