Our family

Our family

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Every time we go to TX, (or Sherry comes here), we plan a day to take good pics of the kids.  This time Caylee was not very happy and wanted nothing to do with Micah.  We tried!  Some came out cute and she was able to get some GREAT ones of Micah!!!  The outfits are super cute too... Melanie and Sherry picked these out... I love how they match, but aren't identical (it helps having a boy and a girl for this too). 

Wish she would have smiled!!!!
 Probably my favorite one!
 Best one of her all day :)

 Still wish she were smiling, but SUPER cute :)
These last few were with my camera... 

 Love this, I caught on my camera- of course she was happy being home... love how they are smiling at each other though :)

Fun Things and More People!

We were able to enjoy the wonderful weather in Texas (90s and humid!) by going to a friend's pool and the splash pad.  I wish I had gotten pics of the pool, but I didn't even think about it!  Caylee was having so much fun and I was pretty surprised because she screamed at the hotel pool when Matt tried to take her.  I really think it's an indoor/outdoor thing and that, once again, she loves being outdoors... even in the pool! The splashpad was so fun and she even made a little friend.  They walked hand in hand from the park to the water... so funny :)  Micah did ok when I put his feet in the water too- he didn't seem to mind at all. 

Since I figured out that Caylee liked water so much we were able to head to the Splash Day at the church on Sunday.  There really wasn't anything for her age to do, but she did try a slide with one of the youth girls (Thanks Mackensie!).  She said she liked it, but didn't go back down- from then on she just hung out by the inflatable that splashed water out and played in that water. 

We also went to the children's museum while we were there (NOT IMPRESSED!).  It was way to expensive for basically a disaster area... they had zero staff putting things away or helping and it was basically and oversized, un-kept living room with toys.  Oh well, Caylee liked it. 

Finally, we were able to see a bunch of friends!  We saw a pony when we went to visit Mallory, had yogurt with our favorite group of ladies, headed to Waco for a day to see some friends, went to play with Lauren and her kids and had dinner with the Murski family! I was so excited to see my friend Michelle from Houston and really enjoyed a night out with her too.  I was so glad we could visit with everyone- sad for the ones we missed, but we'll be back! We loved seeing y'all and spending a few hours with you! It was great seeing so many on Wednesday night and Sunday morning too :)  

The week was so much fun and I really loved Caylee (and myself) having friends for the week.  :)  Caylee was so tired from all the excitement that she ASKED for a nap several of the days.  Of course, I did not deny her :) 

And yes, because Micah is still little he didn't really have too many friends, or get in too many pics... but he was SO good and SO easy this past week.  Part of it was probably me not being as stressed because I had so much help around, part may have been his new meds that seem to be working and part because when he is happy he is super easy. 

Children's Museum

Splash Day with Mackensie!

Elvis the pony

So tired!

 Not tired!
 Warren Ricks
 Linda Ricks
 Reed, Hollis, and Clayton Jackson!
 Sunday School! Not sure about the poor boy across the table, but she was into the craft for sure! :)



Wow... we did SO much this week, I don't even know where to start.  So... I guess the easiest thing to do is start with the people we stayed with... David, Sherry and Melanie Maggard.  (We did get to see Clay and Bailey for lunch twice too). 

The kids LOVED them :)  Caylee also loved their dogs :)  Every morning she'd watch David feed them and help him let them outside.  Then, she would constantly ask to go "ouside"-- I swear she'd live outside if she could.  She even learned to say "uce" (Lucy) and "mi-e" (Millie), the names of 2 dogs.  Sometimes David or Melanie would walk around the back yard with her- showing off flowers or picking peas.  Sometimes she'd check the mail with Sherry and Lucy... basically, anytime someone went out she wanted to go.  Micah rolled ALL OVER the floor with toys and watching Caylee.  He was quick too!  It was so wonderful being able to relax and let the kids enjoy others for a while! Thanks for everything!


This was her special chair to sit and watch the dogs in the morning.  So funny!

 Watching Disney with Melanie :)

 Helping with the peas from the garden


 She LOVED Lucy!