Our family

Our family

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Horse Work

This past weekend Matt and I had to go to Ohio for him to do some injections, vaccines and teeth on a few horses.  Since I normally don't get to see what all he does- I just hear about it- I was able to take some pictures.  I've decided I prefer to hear about it, because it makes me nervous... especially when there is a particularly jittery (in my opinion jittery) horse... I'm sure it doesn't make Matt nervous since he's used to it. 
Anyways, here are some pics of the weekend.  The person holding the horse (I will NEVER be taking that job) is his dad. 

First things first... before injections the area has to be scrubbed down A LOT! There is a risk of bacteria getting in if not properly scrubbed...

Next, the needle goes in....  Just like me, this horse was not a fan of needles.  I can't imagine doing this on a thoroghbred because they are MUCH larger and that potential to kick the vet is always there. 

Who wants to go to the dentist?  Not this horse...  Matt explained that a horse's mouth has uneven upper and lower teeth.  This causes the teeth to become really sharp after a while.  About once a year those sharp edges have to be shaved down.  This is Matt just feeling around for the sharp edges, making sure that's what was needed.  Yes, the horse is drugged just a little to make it easier, but still fully awake... thus, the many cuts on Matt's hands when he comes home.

So then, this sharp tool is used and Matt shaves down the teeth.  This is NOT the tool I want to see my dentist ever pull out!  It's all done manually too, this is not some electric tool that does the work for you... and trust me, it was hard work (for both the vet and the holder with this horse!)

After working on a few more horses, Matt needed his Dad to help build a platform for his truck.  This will be used for the ultrasound machine, so that it can't roll around in the back. 

Putting in the finishing touches....

And.. Voila!  The finished product... no more rolling around for this expensive machine!

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