Today, we failed. It was just one of those days we couldn't get it together! Everyone seemed to sleep well (finally!). We woke up, had breakfast, everyone showered or had baths and then it went downhill. We were ready for church way early (should be the first clue). Go to church, realize we left the kids' diaper bag at home. This is a MUST because we had a meeting after church and needed bottles/food/diapers etc. Matt heads out, stops by the store for me (thankfully!), and comes back with the bag. Whew. He missed church, but I ended up missing it too. The teachers didn't show and they had a TON of little kids- I stayed to help in the 2 yr old class (Caylee went with me and loved it!). We headed to the meeting after church, all was going well. Micah started to fuss so I grab a bottle. As I begin searching for the formula Matt realized that he never put it in the bag. So we have to leave the meeting and go home. No one napped. Schedules were thrown. However, in the chaos of going back and forth and forgetting things (no easy task since we live 25-35 min from the church) I realized that we may not have made it to the church service, but we were able to serve. (Matt made it back in time to help too- they went LOOOOOONG today). We may have missed the meeting, but we were able to come home and spend the afternoon together (for the most part happy, even though the kids missed naps). So good does come out of chaos and craziness... definitely something I need to look for more often. Sometimes the frustrations of life get in the way of seeing that God can still use everything for good! Even things like being forgetful!
Here are pics from the past week (since I can't have a blog with no pics!)
Caylee is such a good caretaker... she gave her baby a bath this week- several actually!
Micah wants to crawl SO badly! It seems so early because Caylee didn't crawl until 8 months, but I know it can't be much longer. He's rocking and pushing up and then THROWING himself forward to get whatever it is he wants. (Usually a toy or Caylee!)
Despite the second picture, she really is having a GREAT time this swimming go around. We tried before and she hated it, this time she's loving it. She goes under (with help), blows bubbles (when she wants), used the kickboard (like a pro!), and loves zooming around. Unfortunately, we can't practice much besides the actual lesson because it's so chilly outside!!
Lounging in bed one day (that she didn't nap), at the park and before church... oh.. and my new haircut :)
Our family

Sunday, July 28, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I'm on a roll with posts tonight!
I love taking pics of the kids together! Usually this happens when they are sitting on the hippo (it's the only place Caylee is allowed to hold Micah). Lately, he's been too squirmy and rolls away, but sometimes, they sit and watch Veggietales (see, we watch a lot of tv! ugh!). Caylee LOVES Veggietales and I think Micah is on the road to loving them too :) Here are pics of the kids together from this month.
Love this... she is looking away and he's looking at her questioningly!
She loves kissing his hands :)
Sweet hands... love that he'll sit and hold her hand.
I love taking pics of the kids together! Usually this happens when they are sitting on the hippo (it's the only place Caylee is allowed to hold Micah). Lately, he's been too squirmy and rolls away, but sometimes, they sit and watch Veggietales (see, we watch a lot of tv! ugh!). Caylee LOVES Veggietales and I think Micah is on the road to loving them too :) Here are pics of the kids together from this month.
Love this... she is looking away and he's looking at her questioningly!
She loves kissing his hands :)
Sweet hands... love that he'll sit and hold her hand.
Sometimes I can get her to actually say "cheese" and look at me... other times it's like the above pics. She's been picky about when she wants her picture taken!
It's hard to get Micah's attention, so I had a toy... he really wanted that toy- as you can see!
New plan...
Well... since swimming outside is about done (maybe a few more days), but summer is over (can you tell I'm bummed about this?!? I keep mentioning it!). I needed a new plan with the kids. I read these blogs (not people I know), just through random searches, and some people do TONS of awesome stuff with their kids. It makes me feel pretty lousy to be honest. I mean, we watch Mickey Mouse, "Bob" (Veggietales) and read books. Seriously, our days get pretty boring and I feel bad about that. So... our new plan is to make every Monday library day. Yes, it's more books, but it's also time to play with puppets, learn to listen to others (during library time, which won't start until Sept) and basically get out of the house. Caylee and I used to do library time in Lexington every week. We moved up here and I never really got settled with a library. So we headed out yesterday, got a library card and checked out 2 books. This will also be good for me because I can read more in the evenings. I enjoy reading and it will be a nice down time for me. Caylee loved the library. She loved all the books and the special kid chairs and everything. Hopefully, this will be fun and encourage more fun things for us to start doing.
I'm also looking into buying more craft supplies. We're doing well with our ABC's (she repeats after me, but still... and Micah is very attentive when I do the signs for the alphabet- so funny!) so now I need construction paper and basics so we can work on other crafty things. Glueing, coloring, stickers, paint... all things she enjoys, but I don't do enough of.
This is my new plan... clearly, not well worked out, but I also realize the older she gets (and Micah gets) the more I need planned out and the more I need to be teaching them to do things since we don't get anything else (a mother's day out program or even craft stuff during SS- it's all just childcare-- my kids can definitely handle more than that!).
First time she checked out a book...
I'm also looking into buying more craft supplies. We're doing well with our ABC's (she repeats after me, but still... and Micah is very attentive when I do the signs for the alphabet- so funny!) so now I need construction paper and basics so we can work on other crafty things. Glueing, coloring, stickers, paint... all things she enjoys, but I don't do enough of.
This is my new plan... clearly, not well worked out, but I also realize the older she gets (and Micah gets) the more I need planned out and the more I need to be teaching them to do things since we don't get anything else (a mother's day out program or even craft stuff during SS- it's all just childcare-- my kids can definitely handle more than that!).
First time she checked out a book...
Like I predicted... summer is over.... we even slept with the windows open last night! The days still get warm (80 today), but nothing warm enough to swim since it's so windy. We did get a really warm day on Sunday, which was convenient since it was National Ice Cream Day!! Caylee LOVES ice cream :) It runs in the family for sure... I love it, my mom and grandma love it. I remember being younger and we went to my Aunt Georgia and Uncle Herb's place in PA... she had 14 flavors of ice cream on hand for us!!!! AND... we were only visiting for ONE afternoon. Yep, we love ice cream. Caylee was so excited to go get ice cream. We told her we were going and she said "YEA!! Ice, Ice! Re-e? Re-e?" Translation: "YEA! Ice cream, ice cream! Ready? Ready?"
Oh.. and that whole cup of ice cream is considered 1 scoop... yep- you should see the people who don't know this and ask for 2 dips! They have HUGE ice creams!
Anyways, along with ice cream day we also set up the Johnny Jumper. Caylee never liked it, but Micah is SUCH a mover, so we thought he would. Well, it looks just like a swing so all Caylee wanted to do was swing him. It was pretty funny-- luckily he didn't mind.
Oh.. and that whole cup of ice cream is considered 1 scoop... yep- you should see the people who don't know this and ask for 2 dips! They have HUGE ice creams!
Anyways, along with ice cream day we also set up the Johnny Jumper. Caylee never liked it, but Micah is SUCH a mover, so we thought he would. Well, it looks just like a swing so all Caylee wanted to do was swing him. It was pretty funny-- luckily he didn't mind.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Beat the Heat!
Well, it finally reached 90 here! I have been waiting for it to be warm enough to swim... and swim we did! (kinda- as much as you can with 2 kids that can't swim).
Monday-- we headed to Defiance because they have a community pool with a free baby area. The pool is perfect for Caylee to walk around in and Micah and I could sit in the water to splash too.
Tuesday- we headed to a splash pad in Ft Wayne with friends (who complained about it being too hot... um, yes, it is hot, that's why we're at a splash pad!) These silly Ohioans don't know what real heat is!
Wednesday- we chilled off in our own baby pool with the hose and slide.
Thursday- took a break and stayed indoors mostly, the kids were tired and Caylee was whiny.
Friday- we sprayed off her outdoor toys this morning and have plans for more pool time (our baby pool) this afternoon (if the thunderstorm holds off)
This weekend it's supposed to drop back down to the low 80s/high 70s... Our one week of summer may be over... I hope not! We'll just have to wait and see :)
Here are some pics from this week.
Gotta wear hats when it's sunny out :)
He is trying SO hard to crawl... he is scooting all over the place, especially for toys :)
Yes, Caylee put Matt's hat on backwards and put the glasses on the hat... I'm not sure where she comes up with this because he never wears his hat backwards! Too cute! :)
In an effort to get Caylee to let me do her hair, I have been letting her do my hair... I can't wait til she gets older and it doesn't hurt so much. She thought the headband looked "preey" (pretty)
Our private pool :)
This girl LOVES blackberries (and any berry)... they have been on sale so I've been buying some... she'll eat the whole pint if I let her, but I don't (that is bad news for diapers later!)
Monday-- we headed to Defiance because they have a community pool with a free baby area. The pool is perfect for Caylee to walk around in and Micah and I could sit in the water to splash too.
Tuesday- we headed to a splash pad in Ft Wayne with friends (who complained about it being too hot... um, yes, it is hot, that's why we're at a splash pad!) These silly Ohioans don't know what real heat is!
Wednesday- we chilled off in our own baby pool with the hose and slide.
Thursday- took a break and stayed indoors mostly, the kids were tired and Caylee was whiny.
Friday- we sprayed off her outdoor toys this morning and have plans for more pool time (our baby pool) this afternoon (if the thunderstorm holds off)
This weekend it's supposed to drop back down to the low 80s/high 70s... Our one week of summer may be over... I hope not! We'll just have to wait and see :)
Here are some pics from this week.
Gotta wear hats when it's sunny out :)
He is trying SO hard to crawl... he is scooting all over the place, especially for toys :)
Yes, Caylee put Matt's hat on backwards and put the glasses on the hat... I'm not sure where she comes up with this because he never wears his hat backwards! Too cute! :)
In an effort to get Caylee to let me do her hair, I have been letting her do my hair... I can't wait til she gets older and it doesn't hurt so much. She thought the headband looked "preey" (pretty)
Our private pool :)
This girl LOVES blackberries (and any berry)... they have been on sale so I've been buying some... she'll eat the whole pint if I let her, but I don't (that is bad news for diapers later!)
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Today we headed down to Springfield to see the Flarida family. This was the first time they've seen Micah, so that was fun! Micah even rode his first horse. Caylee got on a horse (RC) with Matt, but got off quickly when he started trotting around... she didn't like all the bumping and I don't really blame her. We had lunch with them and Matt swam with Caylee and the older kids afterwards. Micah was great ALL afternoon... barely spit up, slept in my arms for a little over an hour at naptime and was all around pretty happy. Going home was different... Caylee fell asleep before we had driven 2 miles (totally worn out!!) and Micah started screaming. He ended up throwing up the entire trip home... it was super gross and I felt bad for him.. maybe carsick?? Who knows, but he was happy when we made it home!
It was a very relaxed day and we had a great time visiting :) The kids did really well (especially Caylee with no nap). The weather was perfect and Caylee LOVED Courtney... she liked Sam too- especially after he gave her 3 of his toy horses to take home.
Love this pic!
It was a very relaxed day and we had a great time visiting :) The kids did really well (especially Caylee with no nap). The weather was perfect and Caylee LOVED Courtney... she liked Sam too- especially after he gave her 3 of his toy horses to take home.
Love this pic!
Kreager Park
Friday, the kids and I headed to Ft. Wayne. I had to pick up my bridesmaid dress that was altered (and looks good!!), so we made a day trip of it and headed to a local park/splash pad. This particular park is called Taylor's Dreamland and was designed with special needs in mind. They even have turf grass for kids with allergies... special swings... equipment for kids of all abilities and a water splash area. The park was SO much fun! There were plenty of things to keep Caylee entertained, it was super clean and safe and there were TONS of kids. I only got mad at one kid (and told him to behave) because he kept knocking Caylee down-- 3 times and purposefully! I don't know where his parents were, but I didn't care- it was mean.
Anyways, Micah also got to swing while we were there... he went back and forth between having fun and being scared to death. He's definitely a baby :) We will definitely be going back to this park with Matt soon!
His scared to death moment... look at those clenched hands!
This is a light game that the older kids really liked, but she wanted to join in. These things are in a large circle and they flash green or red. You hit them (whatever color you are) and get points. It had fun music that went with the game. Pretty awesome!
I love this InstaFrame App by the way... when I take tons of pics on my phone I can consolidate in cute ways... I'll be using it a lot from here on out... especially since I take so many pics! As you can see in these pics Micah is sitting alone!! Just 5 months and he sits by himself for short periods... I say short because the minute he gets distracted or wants something he tumbles right over... but he's pretty strong and can definitely do it.... this is great news, it means the spitting will begin to ease up! Now... if I could work on him not getting distracted.... hmmm... :)
Anyways, Micah also got to swing while we were there... he went back and forth between having fun and being scared to death. He's definitely a baby :) We will definitely be going back to this park with Matt soon!
His scared to death moment... look at those clenched hands!
This is a light game that the older kids really liked, but she wanted to join in. These things are in a large circle and they flash green or red. You hit them (whatever color you are) and get points. It had fun music that went with the game. Pretty awesome!
I love this InstaFrame App by the way... when I take tons of pics on my phone I can consolidate in cute ways... I'll be using it a lot from here on out... especially since I take so many pics! As you can see in these pics Micah is sitting alone!! Just 5 months and he sits by himself for short periods... I say short because the minute he gets distracted or wants something he tumbles right over... but he's pretty strong and can definitely do it.... this is great news, it means the spitting will begin to ease up! Now... if I could work on him not getting distracted.... hmmm... :)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Water Day!
It has been raining around here for a bazillion days!!! Ok, not that many... but it sure seems like lately we've had more rain than sun. Today was super sunny this morning though! AND warm... a double bonus!
I took the kids outside and we had a water day.....
Which turned into an ACTUAL water day bc after naptime it POURED rain outside (thunder and lightning too)... I have had enough of staying indoors, but luckily today I pulled out the giant tent and we read tons of books inside. It ended up being fun :)
I took the kids outside and we had a water day.....
Which turned into an ACTUAL water day bc after naptime it POURED rain outside (thunder and lightning too)... I have had enough of staying indoors, but luckily today I pulled out the giant tent and we read tons of books inside. It ended up being fun :)
We even ended our day with water from the nice long baths the kids took! Micah is too big for his infant tub, but not big enough to sit in the regular tub... sooo... I moved the infant tub to the big tub and they were able to take a bath together. Worked great for me and they thought it was fun.... lots of splashing and laughing. Today was a much more enjoyable day, despite the crazy weather!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Have you ever....?
Have you ever asked God to take a picture for you? Sounds silly, I know, but I have...
Let's back up a little...
Being a stay at home mom is H.A.R.D. No one said it'd be easy, but some days no one tells you just how hard it is. And to be quite honest, some days, there are no major reasons for it to be hard, but everything combined just seems to make it hard. Yesterday was one of those for me. Both kids were whiny. It was gray outside. Micah will not stop spitting up on me. The house was (is) a mess. The dogs were muddy. I don't feel good. Caylee was extra clingy and not being super nice to Micah. There had been tears all morning. I was just plain tired. It was finally nap time....
I put Micah down first. Then I put Caylee down.
Or maybe not... Micah started crying in 10 minutes. Not the normal-I-can-let-him-keep-going- type of cry, the screeching-you-better-get-me-now-or-else type of cry. So I went in to get him. Calmed him down (finally) and tried again, nope... the minute I moved the screech came back. Fine. It had already been half an hour, so I just decided he could come lay down with me. Good idea! He feel fast asleep.... 15 minutes later Caylee decided to wake up (after only being in her room 45 min). This is B.A.D. I had just laid down with Micah and gotten him calm. He's a roller anyways, so I can't leave him on the bed. Caylee NEEDS more than 45 minutes of rest. Ugh... upstairs we go (Micah too). She didn't want us to lay with her. Fine. I went to the recliner chair, she crawled up, Micah woke up, screamed... HERE WE GO AGAIN! Ok... finally, get Micah resettled and sleeping in my arms. And then it happened... the moment I asked God to take a picture for me... P.E.R.F.E.C.T. P.E.A.C.E......
Micah was asleep in my arms, Caylee was sitting next to me holding Micah's hand and laying her head on my shoulder. All was quiet. All were asleep. It was that moment that I prayed for God to take a picture and put it in the house He's building for me in heaven. It's those moments that help get me through a really hard/long/frustrating day. It's those moments that remind me of God's grace and peace in complete chaos.
I'd like to say our day was all roses from there on, but of course it wasn't. Neither had taken ideal naps and were still cranky, it started to rain so getting outside wasn't going to happen (again!) and of course the house was (still is) a mess. BUT.... that perfect time... that's what helps... that's what made me smile yesterday :) I know God has that picture too :)
And since I obviously didn't get a picture... here are two... with a few lyrics from "It's a Wonderful World"-- one of my favorite songs and it plays on the kids Pandora channel all the time...
Let's back up a little...
Being a stay at home mom is H.A.R.D. No one said it'd be easy, but some days no one tells you just how hard it is. And to be quite honest, some days, there are no major reasons for it to be hard, but everything combined just seems to make it hard. Yesterday was one of those for me. Both kids were whiny. It was gray outside. Micah will not stop spitting up on me. The house was (is) a mess. The dogs were muddy. I don't feel good. Caylee was extra clingy and not being super nice to Micah. There had been tears all morning. I was just plain tired. It was finally nap time....
I put Micah down first. Then I put Caylee down.
Or maybe not... Micah started crying in 10 minutes. Not the normal-I-can-let-him-keep-going- type of cry, the screeching-you-better-get-me-now-or-else type of cry. So I went in to get him. Calmed him down (finally) and tried again, nope... the minute I moved the screech came back. Fine. It had already been half an hour, so I just decided he could come lay down with me. Good idea! He feel fast asleep.... 15 minutes later Caylee decided to wake up (after only being in her room 45 min). This is B.A.D. I had just laid down with Micah and gotten him calm. He's a roller anyways, so I can't leave him on the bed. Caylee NEEDS more than 45 minutes of rest. Ugh... upstairs we go (Micah too). She didn't want us to lay with her. Fine. I went to the recliner chair, she crawled up, Micah woke up, screamed... HERE WE GO AGAIN! Ok... finally, get Micah resettled and sleeping in my arms. And then it happened... the moment I asked God to take a picture for me... P.E.R.F.E.C.T. P.E.A.C.E......
Micah was asleep in my arms, Caylee was sitting next to me holding Micah's hand and laying her head on my shoulder. All was quiet. All were asleep. It was that moment that I prayed for God to take a picture and put it in the house He's building for me in heaven. It's those moments that help get me through a really hard/long/frustrating day. It's those moments that remind me of God's grace and peace in complete chaos.
I'd like to say our day was all roses from there on, but of course it wasn't. Neither had taken ideal naps and were still cranky, it started to rain so getting outside wasn't going to happen (again!) and of course the house was (still is) a mess. BUT.... that perfect time... that's what helps... that's what made me smile yesterday :) I know God has that picture too :)
And since I obviously didn't get a picture... here are two... with a few lyrics from "It's a Wonderful World"-- one of my favorite songs and it plays on the kids Pandora channel all the time...
Friday, July 5, 2013
5 Months!
Our little man is 5 months old!! (yesterday- July 4th). Crazy how time flies (thankfully too- I love seeing him grow up!)
This month we started new meds- Prevacid- for his GERD. The first day it helped! He slept better, was less fussy and overall happier. Some days he spits it up or doesn't seem to get as much and those nights are definitely longer. But overall, he's much better.... we noticed he also doesn't scream as much in the car! (Branson will be our trip to test that theory, but he did great in TX and on the way home from airports)
Our newest challenge with him is his bed flipping. He can roll all over the place during the day. Due to his GERD, his bed is at an angle at night. Put these two together and it's not a good combination. He just started flipping to his stomach at night and decided that sometimes he doesn't like it. Sometime he prefers his belly.... but the nights he doesn't can be long.
He's in all 6 month clothing. He still loves chattering to Caylee. He will try very hard to get something out of reach- I just know he'll crawl earlier than Caylee. He started eating cereal with a spoon... we'll have to slowly move to veggies and fruits bc it might upset the GERD more. He still won't sit on his own, but is getting better for very short periods. Caylee was sitting by now, so I'm hopeful he's not too far behind. I am really tired of cleaning spit towels all the time!!!! :)
Micah still loves being held, standing up and having lots of attention. He always wants to know where Caylee is and is happiest if she's near.
I didn't get pics that were as good as last month, he wasn't much for smiling (except the few at the park yesterday). However, Caylee has a little congestion and I noticed he had a little too- maybe just doesn't feel that well. These pics were taken by the wheat field next to the house....
And some pics with Daddy....
This month we started new meds- Prevacid- for his GERD. The first day it helped! He slept better, was less fussy and overall happier. Some days he spits it up or doesn't seem to get as much and those nights are definitely longer. But overall, he's much better.... we noticed he also doesn't scream as much in the car! (Branson will be our trip to test that theory, but he did great in TX and on the way home from airports)
Our newest challenge with him is his bed flipping. He can roll all over the place during the day. Due to his GERD, his bed is at an angle at night. Put these two together and it's not a good combination. He just started flipping to his stomach at night and decided that sometimes he doesn't like it. Sometime he prefers his belly.... but the nights he doesn't can be long.
He's in all 6 month clothing. He still loves chattering to Caylee. He will try very hard to get something out of reach- I just know he'll crawl earlier than Caylee. He started eating cereal with a spoon... we'll have to slowly move to veggies and fruits bc it might upset the GERD more. He still won't sit on his own, but is getting better for very short periods. Caylee was sitting by now, so I'm hopeful he's not too far behind. I am really tired of cleaning spit towels all the time!!!! :)
Micah still loves being held, standing up and having lots of attention. He always wants to know where Caylee is and is happiest if she's near.
I didn't get pics that were as good as last month, he wasn't much for smiling (except the few at the park yesterday). However, Caylee has a little congestion and I noticed he had a little too- maybe just doesn't feel that well. These pics were taken by the wheat field next to the house....
And some pics with Daddy....
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Yes, the parade was TERRIBLE (as mentioned previously). However, I did take some pics, so here we go!
Before the parade...
Everyone stood for the flags...
She's so pretty :) Love her hair!!!
He was happy... until the sirens came...
Eating candy...
Isn't her hair SO pretty!! Those sweet curls are natural! I love it :)
The Mayor of Van Wert... funny...
Kinda waving to people as they passed... not super thrilled...
Both bored... we left early (well, after 45 minutes of parade/watching cars go thru/parade/etc)
Before the parade...
Everyone stood for the flags...
She's so pretty :) Love her hair!!!
He was happy... until the sirens came...
Eating candy...
Isn't her hair SO pretty!! Those sweet curls are natural! I love it :)
The Mayor of Van Wert... funny...
Kinda waving to people as they passed... not super thrilled...
Both bored... we left early (well, after 45 minutes of parade/watching cars go thru/parade/etc)
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