Our family

Our family

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013!

We began the day with church.  Our SS class had a breakfast social and we were able to visit with 2 couples we had not met.  That was fun- plus the class always brings great food for breakfast! Micah did well during that hour, but decided to get fussy during the service, so I walked with him in the hallway.  Caylee had a blast, as always, in the nursery.  We always ask if she wants to "go play with her friends" and she screams "YAY!".  I don't think she actually plays with any of the kids, but she's always happy when we pick her up and they always say what a sweet girl she is.  Makes me happy!
Micah's Easter basket had a stuffed frog and Thomas the Train video.  You can tell how excited he is :) 

 Caylee's basket had a touch and feel book and a bucket a shovel (for her new sandbox!)
It's hard to get a good family pic on self timer, but we tried... oh, and Caylee did wear a sweater, because even though people up here may think it's "shorts and t-shirt" weather (at just 50 degrees), I do not!  I have not been able to warm up in DAYS... I don't know why I'm sooo cold! It seems almost worse than the 20 degree weather, weird...
 The close up is super cute, but blurry :(
 New sandbox! (new to us... Matt saw a man getting rid of it and he asked if he could take it!)

 Playing with toys from her Easter basket! And, yes, it is inside the garage... it's too windy and some days are too cold, but the garage will be fine until summer comes.

We ended the day by going to a local park just before our annual tradition of eating at Texas Roadhouse!  I don't know why we chose that place to eat, but we do every year and love it :) Caylee was able to enjoy the rolls and food this year too.  Overall, we had a great Easter day and are so very thankful for the gift Jesus gave to us so many years ago with His death ad resurrection.  We pray our children will come to know that love someday too :)

Happy Easter everyone!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Egg Hunt

Egg hunt... this was SO FUNNY!  Caylee was cracking us up with her egg hunt... I put animal crackers and grapes in the eggs to entice her to search for them and it worked SO well. Here's how it went...

Daddy showed her the first egg...
 Yum! A cracker was in it, she decided to sit and eat it...
 But then, she saw another egg, so off the hunt began...
 After EVERY egg that rattled, she gave it to Grandpa to open and ate it...
 Off to find more eggs...
She saved up a few eggs that didn't rattle (grapes inside)... so she had to stop and check for them...
Yep, sure enough she found them and wanted them opened too...

We made Matt go inside to fill a few more...


 After the last egg she wondered where they went?  "More? More?"

Sorry sweet girl! The hunt was over!!! She did fantastic though and really had a blast going all over the yard.  We had them spread out pretty well too.  This was a great year for an egg hunt!

Easter week

This year was SO much fun!  Caylee is older and loves to do more things so I was able to get some Easter crafts for her this year.  We were also expecting company on Saturday, so we had to get the house ready for everyone to be here.  Here are some pics of the week...

Colored Easter pictures and put stickers on it...

Dyed eggs... she loved this and the whisk was perfect for her! However, I would not use glass next time, she banged up the eggs pretty badly :)

Ate our Easter bunny lunch (or easter mouse, bc the ears ended up bigger than I thought!)

 Micah slept/watched/cried during all of our Easter projects...
 Made a bunny cake!!! Trident gum for the mouth bc the one time I needed Matt's red licorice, he didn't have any! He ALWAYS has red licorice in the house... oh well, the gum worked :)

Carrot basket... Cheetos tied with green ribbon (yes, thank you pinterest)... the picture that is framed Caylee colored and the flower décor she helped dye (coffee filters- left over from Grandpa and Aunt Debbie- THANKS!)

Egg banner... Caylee colored the letters, although you can't tell much from the picture.

We had a really fun week... especially since it snowed 8 inches at the beginning of the week and we were stuck indoors for a few days!  I am loving that Caylee can and wants to do more and more... it's just hard to come up with stuff.  A trip to the dollar store is definitely needed for more stickers!  She loved that project!!


Well, Cassidy's future in-laws were all meeting in Columbus last weekend for a get together.  One of her future sister-in-law's and family live in PA, so Columbus is central for everyone to meet.  It worked out great for us because I was able to take the kids and meet them!  They have a son, Adam, who is just one month older than Caylee-- the two of them are SO cute!  Here are pics from our visit... .

Dr. Angie and Dr. Joe (Cassidy's future sister and brother in law) son Adam and one child on the way! 

Cass and Nick!

Sisters :)

Nick and Adam

Down the slide with Aunt Cass and Uncle Nick!

 Going down the slide with Aunt Cass, Uncle Nick and Uncle Mike (other future brother in law)

Micah hanging with Mike

Checking out the playground

Adam and Caylee (ring bearer and flower girl!)  SO CUTE!!

Amy and Micah (Cassidy's future sis-in-law)

They didn't want to pose together too much :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


**I know, Caylee didn't have any green on... I'm not really into St Patty's Day, we just happened to have the same bib Caylee wore last year.  Otherwise, Micah probably wouldn't have been in green either :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Matt found a Rodeo in Van Wert (the town closest too us).  They hold it every weekend and it's actually just bull riding, not a full rodeo.  We tried to go before, but it was too crowded.  This time we arrived early and it was still PACKED.  I call it the "roller-rodeo" because it's held in an old roller skating rink! 

They really crammed the people in... we ended up on the ground (yes, in the dirt), right next to the fence!  Front row!  (but on the ground)  Caylee LOVED the being there... she clapped and danced to the music, but mostly LOVED playing in the dirt :)  Micah hung out with me in the sling... I took him out once, but he wasn't happy about that at all.  

They had 65 bull riders there, so they went quickly through the rides (after a very long, but very exciting introduction to the evening).  We didn't stay for all the riders, but saw enough.  Caylee "moo-ed" every time we showed her the bulls and she clapped every time the crowd clapped (for good riders).  It was definitely a fun night and we'll go back in the future, just never again with Micah so young-- maybe next year!

Dirt, Dirt and more Dirt... she even tried to give the people around us dirt... such a nice sharing girl!

Would much rather be cozy in the sling

 Here she was waving to the horse :)