I'm trying to do better at posting about Matt's job and life as a vet's wife/family... So...
Last night, Matt called and said he had to breed another mare at about 6:30pm. But he had to make a stop at the airport first. Yep, you guessed it! Semen had been shipped in from Dallas on American Flight 3399.... CRAZY! I knew they could ship it all over, but had no idea they shipped it on actual "people" flights, I just figured it was delivered UPS or something. Anyways, Matt didn't want to park and then go into the airport so he asked us to come along. Thus began our family outing....
Here we are waiting while Matt went in to check on the package....
It had not arrived yet, so we had to park and go in anyways... Matt was less than thrilled with me taking pics, but he kindly obliged :)
Talking to the girls about the package... they swore the flight was in and there was no package, but when they checked it had been on the flight.... now they just had to find it. Turns out it was "lost" behind the curtain.
It arrived!
I will spare you the details of the breeding (since I did that in a previous post), but check out how big this horse is!!! I tried to get a picture of her crazy eye too, but didn't want to be rude-- it was one crazy eye though.
So, I took scenic pictures while we waited for Matt to finish.
After Matt finished, we had to make a quick stop at the office and then headed home. I'm glad we were able to go with him because it was just about Caylee's bedtime by the time we got home!
Our family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Splashpad Lexington!
Yesterday, Matt got off early (3:30!). I really didn't want to stay around the house and it was so warm out (90!) so I suggested we head downtown to the splashpad. I know Caylee can't walk, but I thought the water would be fun for her, plus she loves people watching! Matt didn't want to get wet, so he took pictures. Sorry about my legs in some of these (I tried to crop out what I could), but the other kids were running everywhere and didn't see her... I stayed close so she wouldn't topple backwards on the cement!
Anways, we had a blast and for being Memorial Day it wasn't crowded at all!!!! (Yes, there are TONS of pics, but I like to see the process of the events) :)
Before we got in... cool shades!
This isn't so bad, still a little unsure!
Yea! Standing up... so exciting! :)
Testing it out... (we found a hole that didn't shoot the water too high)
Got some in my eyes!
But it's ok!! I'm still happy!
Where'd it go??
Yea! It's back!!
Fun day :) (See that tooth in there!!)
There was a waterfall thing down further, we weren't actually in the water, but could feel the mist and Matt was on the other side... she was reaching for it though...
Great day at the splashpad! I think we'll go back soon!
Anways, we had a blast and for being Memorial Day it wasn't crowded at all!!!! (Yes, there are TONS of pics, but I like to see the process of the events) :)
Before we got in... cool shades!
Introducing her to the water, but she's just watching all the other kids...
This isn't so bad, still a little unsure!
Yea! Standing up... so exciting! :)
Testing it out... (we found a hole that didn't shoot the water too high)
Got some in my eyes!
But it's ok!! I'm still happy!
Where'd it go??
Yea! It's back!!
Fun day :) (See that tooth in there!!)
There was a waterfall thing down further, we weren't actually in the water, but could feel the mist and Matt was on the other side... she was reaching for it though...
Great day at the splashpad! I think we'll go back soon!
Monday, May 28, 2012
This is what I've been working on lately... I definitely have more I should be doing, like finding a house, but this has been more fun :)
This idea is pinterest inspired! I LOVE pinterest...
With Caylee eating 3-4 jars of baby food a day we have TONS of the jar lids. We also go through lots of formula... I usually buy the bigger containers, but sometimes the store is out, so I have several of the cans too. The lids are not sharp, so they can be used to do this...
I just printed off different pics of animals, used some mod podge on the cap, stuck the paper on, used mod podge on top and Voila! You have your own memory game. Obviously, Caylee is too young for a memory game, so I can just show her pics of the animals right now...but I did make 2 of every animal for a memory game later.
The Mod Podge is non-toxic, but I still don't let her chew on the caps (I could bc like I said, they aren't sharp). Then I use the formula cans to store them in! I need to decorate the cans, but haven't decided how to divide things up yet... I was thinking one can for Zoo Animals, another for Farm Animals, another for Water Animals... but I also may do colors, or shapes.. or tons of other things (seeing as I have SO many caps available to me!)
It looks a little blurry when you first put Mod Podge on (above pic), but drys very nicely (below pic). Make sure computer ink on paper is completely dry first, it may still spear a little, but not as much if it's super dry.
This idea is pinterest inspired! I LOVE pinterest...
With Caylee eating 3-4 jars of baby food a day we have TONS of the jar lids. We also go through lots of formula... I usually buy the bigger containers, but sometimes the store is out, so I have several of the cans too. The lids are not sharp, so they can be used to do this...
I just printed off different pics of animals, used some mod podge on the cap, stuck the paper on, used mod podge on top and Voila! You have your own memory game. Obviously, Caylee is too young for a memory game, so I can just show her pics of the animals right now...but I did make 2 of every animal for a memory game later.
The Mod Podge is non-toxic, but I still don't let her chew on the caps (I could bc like I said, they aren't sharp). Then I use the formula cans to store them in! I need to decorate the cans, but haven't decided how to divide things up yet... I was thinking one can for Zoo Animals, another for Farm Animals, another for Water Animals... but I also may do colors, or shapes.. or tons of other things (seeing as I have SO many caps available to me!)
It looks a little blurry when you first put Mod Podge on (above pic), but drys very nicely (below pic). Make sure computer ink on paper is completely dry first, it may still spear a little, but not as much if it's super dry.
There ya go! A cheap/easy way to prepare for future games and to help her start recognizing different things now! Plus, with the handy carrier (formula tins) the game can be taken anywhere!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
7 Months!
I missed posting Caylee's 7 months on the actual day, but I'm close! Friday, she was officially 7 months! Caylee is getting so big :) She got her 1st tooth last Monday (those were a rough few days!!) She was SUPER fussy... cried when I left the room (which isn't too abnormal these days, but it was screaming cry, not just mad cry), cried when we wouldn't hold her, cried because she didn't want held... poor little thing, nothing made her happy. Then, as if by magic, that tooth popped through and she was a new kid! I was able to do laundry around the house again, make dinner without her screaming the whole time, she played happily on the the floor... amazing!
She is still pushing up on her legs and when we sit close enough to her she is constantly trying to pull up on our legs... no crawling yet though.... it is a little exhausting because she wants to move around SO badly and just can't. I'm REALLY hoping she'll learn soon.
She's a FANTASTIC napper... except when there is too much noise. I really can't do much around the house at all when she naps, which is fine with me! I get a little down time and sometimes a nap myself :) She is such a scheduled baby, but I also love that because I know exactly what she wants. Right now her normal schedule is:
6:45am- wake up
7am- I go get her from her room (I get her early if she is screaming, but usually when she wakes up she plays happily in bed for a while)- Breakfast
7am-8ish- play in room, read etc
8-8:15ish- bottle
8:30- Nap 1 (this is when I get to get ready for the day and do my bible study)
10am- get up, change clothes, run errands
11-11:30ish- Lunch
12-1ish- Play... we have been sitting outside reading, listening to music... she LOVES being outside!
1ish- Bottle
1:30- Nap 2 (I just watch tv, and relax a little, sometimes taking a nap myself here... I will have to start packing soon!)
3pm- Wake up, play a little... usually I let her play on her own here to give her time to herself and I can do other things around the house
4pm- Walk with dogs... we walk about 2 miles or more each day... again, it's nice to be outside when we can
5:30ish- Dinner
6-7:30ish- play, keep her happy, hope daddy gets home! (this is her fussy time and she whines a lot)
7:10- Bath
7:20- Bottle
7:45-8ish- Bed
However, when she is off schedule for a day or so she does REALLY well... although she doesn't miss mealtimes :)
And clothing... she's in 6-9 month clothing, but several things that just say 9 months she is easily wearing!
That's Caylee at 7 months :) Pretty easy going. She's such a joy and we've loved watching her grow!! We can't wait for the next stages!!
She wouldn't smile at me for the camera-- I think the new camera freaks her out... so here she is looking at Matt.
She's been making FUNNY faces lately when we smile... and funny noises to go with those faces.
This is how she sits in carts... it gives her the ability to look any direction at all sorts of people... she looks so comfortable and relaxed! (Sorry mom, we have the cart protector, but I was in a rush this day, we do use it though- all the time!) :)
She is still pushing up on her legs and when we sit close enough to her she is constantly trying to pull up on our legs... no crawling yet though.... it is a little exhausting because she wants to move around SO badly and just can't. I'm REALLY hoping she'll learn soon.
She's a FANTASTIC napper... except when there is too much noise. I really can't do much around the house at all when she naps, which is fine with me! I get a little down time and sometimes a nap myself :) She is such a scheduled baby, but I also love that because I know exactly what she wants. Right now her normal schedule is:
6:45am- wake up
7am- I go get her from her room (I get her early if she is screaming, but usually when she wakes up she plays happily in bed for a while)- Breakfast
7am-8ish- play in room, read etc
8-8:15ish- bottle
8:30- Nap 1 (this is when I get to get ready for the day and do my bible study)
10am- get up, change clothes, run errands
11-11:30ish- Lunch
12-1ish- Play... we have been sitting outside reading, listening to music... she LOVES being outside!
1ish- Bottle
1:30- Nap 2 (I just watch tv, and relax a little, sometimes taking a nap myself here... I will have to start packing soon!)
3pm- Wake up, play a little... usually I let her play on her own here to give her time to herself and I can do other things around the house
4pm- Walk with dogs... we walk about 2 miles or more each day... again, it's nice to be outside when we can
5:30ish- Dinner
6-7:30ish- play, keep her happy, hope daddy gets home! (this is her fussy time and she whines a lot)
7:10- Bath
7:20- Bottle
7:45-8ish- Bed
However, when she is off schedule for a day or so she does REALLY well... although she doesn't miss mealtimes :)
And clothing... she's in 6-9 month clothing, but several things that just say 9 months she is easily wearing!
That's Caylee at 7 months :) Pretty easy going. She's such a joy and we've loved watching her grow!! We can't wait for the next stages!!
She wouldn't smile at me for the camera-- I think the new camera freaks her out... so here she is looking at Matt.
She's been making FUNNY faces lately when we smile... and funny noises to go with those faces.
This is how she sits in carts... it gives her the ability to look any direction at all sorts of people... she looks so comfortable and relaxed! (Sorry mom, we have the cart protector, but I was in a rush this day, we do use it though- all the time!) :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Caylee sure loves this little dog! He likes her too :)
Diego is still getting used to her. However, yesterday he let her play on him... she used his back to push herself up and just thought it was so fun!! (It was a brief playtime and when I tried to take a picture Diego left and she was back on her stomach) Next time...
Diego is still getting used to her. However, yesterday he let her play on him... she used his back to push herself up and just thought it was so fun!! (It was a brief playtime and when I tried to take a picture Diego left and she was back on her stomach) Next time...
Monday, May 21, 2012
As we prepare to leave the farm, I've been taking more pics of Caylee around the farm. Just as a little memory... since once we don't live on the farm we won't be allowed back on... that includes Matt because his clinic won't be doing the vet work here anymore. So... just a last little bit of history before we head out :)
Sammy won't stay still...
Chairs outside the office...
One of many signs around the farm...
Front mat outside the office...
Trust me... this isn't it! There will be more to come! It'll be a neat piece of information she can tell people when she's older. :) You know... when you're in school and teachers say, "come up with 3 little known facts about yourself". Well, #1 can be she lived on a historic thoroughbred farm when she was born.
Speaking of interesting facts..... it's time for people to email me again!! bparsons514@gmail.com
What are some little known facts about yourself? (Please answer-- it's fun to get to know people better this way!)
Mine... well, hmm... I've been skydiving and I've held a beating human heart in my hand. Yep- both true! Have a happy day!
Sammy won't stay still...
Chairs outside the office...
One of many signs around the farm...
Front mat outside the office...
Trust me... this isn't it! There will be more to come! It'll be a neat piece of information she can tell people when she's older. :) You know... when you're in school and teachers say, "come up with 3 little known facts about yourself". Well, #1 can be she lived on a historic thoroughbred farm when she was born.
Speaking of interesting facts..... it's time for people to email me again!! bparsons514@gmail.com
What are some little known facts about yourself? (Please answer-- it's fun to get to know people better this way!)
Mine... well, hmm... I've been skydiving and I've held a beating human heart in my hand. Yep- both true! Have a happy day!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Circle of life....
This is the 2nd groundhog my dogs have killed! It totally grosses me out, these guys are HUGE and Diego happily carries him to us after they both (Sammy and Diego) have chased it down, killed it, barked at it and flung it around a little....
It's the circle of life.... and all part of life on a farm, with dogs....
Diego, proud of his kill
It's the circle of life.... and all part of life on a farm, with dogs....
Diego, proud of his kill
As Matt said, "At least it's not the skunks they'd attack in Texas".... Yes, thankfully we have not had skunks.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Beginning stages...
Lately, it looks like Caylee has been in the beginning stages of crawling! I'm SO excited and ready for her to be on the move. She gets super frustrated not being able to get to a certain toy and I'm hopeful that crawling will come soon.
I never did post about rolling over because this girl barely rolls. She can, she just chooses not to. I can probably count on one hand the number of days she has actually rolled... and it's never one of those log roll things, it's just once and usually just to get off her belly.
So... this new adventure of crawling will be great!!!
A week ago if she saw me she'd immediately fall down, so I had to get this from behind.
So much focus... (sorry the room is yellow, that is her terrible lighting, especially on a rainy day)
Not sure where to go from here...
Yea! Finally looked up a little... still focused though...
Crash! Back down... maybe next time :)
Sitting happily playing...
Diego looks interesting, so up she goes...
When she isn't pushed up on her knees she is like this...
Flailing about everywhere! Usually mad too, but not when we're outside...
Focused face... not sure where to go or how to move legs and arms at once...
She's doing great! I'm sure the coordination will come soon, I just hope it's really soon, so that her mad screaming stops (since she won't just roll over to be off her tummy and most of the time she puts herself on her tummy trying to get to something! Silly girl!)
I never did post about rolling over because this girl barely rolls. She can, she just chooses not to. I can probably count on one hand the number of days she has actually rolled... and it's never one of those log roll things, it's just once and usually just to get off her belly.
So... this new adventure of crawling will be great!!!
A week ago if she saw me she'd immediately fall down, so I had to get this from behind.
So much focus... (sorry the room is yellow, that is her terrible lighting, especially on a rainy day)
Not sure where to go from here...
Yea! Finally looked up a little... still focused though...
Crash! Back down... maybe next time :)
Sitting happily playing...
Diego looks interesting, so up she goes...
When she isn't pushed up on her knees she is like this...
Flailing about everywhere! Usually mad too, but not when we're outside...
Focused face... not sure where to go or how to move legs and arms at once...
She's doing great! I'm sure the coordination will come soon, I just hope it's really soon, so that her mad screaming stops (since she won't just roll over to be off her tummy and most of the time she puts herself on her tummy trying to get to something! Silly girl!)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Breeding Season
Well... this blog is officially called "Views from a Vets Wife" and so far there are very few posts about Matt and what he actually does. This post is all about where he's been for the past 5 months! I know what he does and he talks about his clients to me all the time, but seeing him in action brings an entirely new perspective to me! I am very proud of him for his hard work and constant care of these animals! I'm also WAY grossed out sometimes :)
WARNING!!!! This post will contain some graphic pictures of Matt at work. Stop reading now if you have a queasy stomach and come back another day for more posts on Caylee :)
So... last night, Matt came home briefly and asked if I could be ready in about 30 minutes to go with him on a farm call. I said sure, but asked why. He said he needed my help, possibly... NO WAY! I dislike being too close to horses very much. They make me nervous and I'm so afraid they'll kick. However, he really needed to get a particular mare bred, and wasn't sure if the guy would be there. Well... off we went, me PRAYING the entire way that someone else would be there.
The man was there. WHEW! So... I went about taking pics. I forgot to bring my new camera, so these are just iphone pics, but here ya go....
The purpose of the evening was to breed a mare. Many of the mares he works with up here are thoroughbred horses which means you just have to stand around and make sure the stud does what he needs to do. Thoroughbred breeding has to be live, if you get my drift.
However, he has some clients that are not thoroughbreds and they have sperm shipped in from all over that they have to insert themselves into the mare to breed. This was the case tonight.
Matt prepping for the horse.... notice the very large glove he MUST use.
Getting out his supplies...
SO GROSS! But all part of feeling the uterus and making sure she is ready to be bred. This part is important because he told me that horses have to be bred 12 hours before ovulation or 6 hours after ovulation. It's so time specific. They spend many, many days checking mares and making sure they are ready before wasting perfectly good shipped sperm. (Or in the case of thoroughbreds, the risk of wasting the stud's time at the breeding shed and not allowing a mare who is ready to have that spot)
**SIDENOTE: In thoroughbreds, you have to sign your mare up for a spot in the breeding shed. Good studs will breed to mares 3-4 times a day, 7 days a week for 5 months... INSANE! If the vet palpates the mare and she is not ready, you have to give up your spot and try to move the schedule around. This is all very time consuming because of the special timing it takes to get a horse bred.
Once inside... looking at the ultrasound to measure and make sure she's ready. And yep... we looked at Caylee with that same ultrasound! But don't worry, it was clean and only externally used of course!
The container that has the frozen sperm.
Unfreezing the sperm and putting it in a tube to be inserted.
Another glove.. a long tube... Also notice the baby horse next to the big horse... she just had that baby a few weeks back.
Back in, making sure to get the exact spot where to put the sperm for better chance of breeding.
Inserting the sperm....
Checking the sperm count and seeing if he thinks it will actually be successful. This one could go either way, so he'll check the mare in 14 days and know whether she is pregnant or not. If not, they have to start all over!
WARNING!!!! This post will contain some graphic pictures of Matt at work. Stop reading now if you have a queasy stomach and come back another day for more posts on Caylee :)
So... last night, Matt came home briefly and asked if I could be ready in about 30 minutes to go with him on a farm call. I said sure, but asked why. He said he needed my help, possibly... NO WAY! I dislike being too close to horses very much. They make me nervous and I'm so afraid they'll kick. However, he really needed to get a particular mare bred, and wasn't sure if the guy would be there. Well... off we went, me PRAYING the entire way that someone else would be there.
The man was there. WHEW! So... I went about taking pics. I forgot to bring my new camera, so these are just iphone pics, but here ya go....
The purpose of the evening was to breed a mare. Many of the mares he works with up here are thoroughbred horses which means you just have to stand around and make sure the stud does what he needs to do. Thoroughbred breeding has to be live, if you get my drift.
However, he has some clients that are not thoroughbreds and they have sperm shipped in from all over that they have to insert themselves into the mare to breed. This was the case tonight.
Matt prepping for the horse.... notice the very large glove he MUST use.
Getting out his supplies...
SO GROSS! But all part of feeling the uterus and making sure she is ready to be bred. This part is important because he told me that horses have to be bred 12 hours before ovulation or 6 hours after ovulation. It's so time specific. They spend many, many days checking mares and making sure they are ready before wasting perfectly good shipped sperm. (Or in the case of thoroughbreds, the risk of wasting the stud's time at the breeding shed and not allowing a mare who is ready to have that spot)
**SIDENOTE: In thoroughbreds, you have to sign your mare up for a spot in the breeding shed. Good studs will breed to mares 3-4 times a day, 7 days a week for 5 months... INSANE! If the vet palpates the mare and she is not ready, you have to give up your spot and try to move the schedule around. This is all very time consuming because of the special timing it takes to get a horse bred.
Once inside... looking at the ultrasound to measure and make sure she's ready. And yep... we looked at Caylee with that same ultrasound! But don't worry, it was clean and only externally used of course!
The container that has the frozen sperm.
Unfreezing the sperm and putting it in a tube to be inserted.
Another glove.. a long tube... Also notice the baby horse next to the big horse... she just had that baby a few weeks back.
Back in, making sure to get the exact spot where to put the sperm for better chance of breeding.
Inserting the sperm....
Checking the sperm count and seeing if he thinks it will actually be successful. This one could go either way, so he'll check the mare in 14 days and know whether she is pregnant or not. If not, they have to start all over!
So... this is where my sweet, hard-working husband has been for 5 months. Palpating TONS of mares, breeding the ones the are ready and re-palpating them to determine if they were successful. Due to the specific timing that horses need to be bred, there have been MANY early morning palpations and breedings and quite a few late night or middle of the night breedings. We'll be glad when breeding season is over!! :) I'm just RELIEVED that I did not have to help last night.... that is NOT my calling at all!
Funny Story: One of the vets Matt works with has a 3 year old son. They also own horses that needed bred this year. So the boy went out with his dad and another vet to do exactly what you have seen Matt do above. The dad went back to work and by the time he got home his 3 year old had found a glove and was walking around to anyone coming in the house trying to do the same thing!! Watch your back when you enter that house... literally!
On another note, many of the vet kids tell stories in school about what their dad does. One particular teacher got very angry at the little girl and called her parents. They backed up the little girl, but said they'd explain to her not to share so much.... I see this in our future with Caylee.... so many things Matt talks about is vet related and medically correct terminology.... oh my!
Well, there you go, for any out there wondering what "breeding season" means :)
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