It's that time of year when everyone begins reflecting on the past year. They start running specials on the top 10 people, top 10 places to see, top 10 of just about everything! So... I decided to make my own top 10 list of favorites this year... these are my top 10 favorite things of 2011. Many, of course, are baby things, but some are not. They are not in any order either because it was hard to narrow a whole year down to 10 things!
1. Degree- This is Matt's Vet degree... I was so proud of him this year for finishing up 4 years of hard work! This degree meant that he could get a job doing what he loves, so even though we don't know where this degree will take us over the years it's nice to have :)
2. WubbaNubs- These are the BEST pacifiers ever! From birth to now we have added a few to the collection. They are just a basic pacifier attached to a stuffed animal... Caylee LOVES them and they stay in much better than a regular pacifier. She is also getting to where she can grasp the animal itself and that is soothing too.
3. Stroller- I was so thankful at my shower when the ladies presented me with the stroller and carseat I had registered for. I knew it would come in handy, but the stroller has been a lifesaver up here! The farm is a quiet place and being able to get outside and walk around has been wonderful. Caylee sleeps in the stroller and seems to enjoy our walks. I love the exercise and just getting out of the house. As it gets colder we will brave the mall to get our walking in... but I'm holding off on that for now :)
4. Zippered Jumpers- I don't have a picture of these, but they are soooo much better at night than the gowns or snaps. Caylee is a kicker, so the gowns end up around her armpits and the snaps never get snapped correctly at night. The zipper is one swipe and we're done! I love them!
5. Jewelry- Jewelry makes everyone feel just a little better... especially when I am not feeling so great after having a baby! But this jewelry is also special because 3 special people gave me the pieces and I get to think about them each time I wear it!
6. Bouncy Seat- This is Caylee's bouncy seat, it also vibrates. I swear, the first few weeks that is the only place she would fall asleep. Luckily, we have since changed that, but she still loves this seat and I love that I can have her in it anywhere in the house. I just move her around when I am in different rooms :)
7. iphone- I love my phone... not only have I been able to stay connected to friends and family this way, but it also takes pictures AND has a baby app to put in all the details of the day! So when the doctor is asking me how many diapers she has, or how much and how often she eats I can actually tell him. (Seriously, how am I supposed to remember every diaper when I feel like that's all I do some days!)
8. Baby Book- This book is awesome! It's super cute, but more importantly super easy to complete. There are already spots for pictures and they even begin sentences for you (making sure you remember all the important things). This will be a neat book to give Caylee one day for her to see everything that has happened this first year. I really love this book!

9. Prayer Journal- I have kept a prayer journal for most of this year. Ironically, the SS class I have started attending also chose to keep a prayer journal. Two weeks ago they handed out an evaluation. We were supposed to go back through the journal and see what God had done in our lives. I was amazed when I looked back! God had answered so many of my prayers, not always in ways I would have chosen, but it is neat to see how He works. There were people I've prayed for over the year that I saw answered prayers for too. I highly encourage everyone to keep a prayer journal next year and then look back and see where God has brought you. You'll be surprised and it's a great way to remember God works even when we don't see Him in the moment. I will definitely continue doing this.
10. Massages- Thanks to 2 people this year, I was able to have 2 massages. (that is a lot for 1 year!!) I LOVE being pampered like that and it doesn't happen often. I love massages and they are stuch great stress relievers.
Well... it's probably not what people expected, but those are some of my favorite things from 2011. :)